We would like to extend a
l Thank you to all the
speakers, guests, merchants,
media, Mayor of Cordova and
the Cordova  Police
Department for our successful
2018 Conference
2019 Conference
2022 Conference
2023 Conference
17th Annual Cordova Vortex Conference 2024
FREE ADMISSION IN CAFE: Meet and Greet the Speakers and Authors
Sponsored by BUFO RADIO and the SCI'FI CAFE
Topics this year will be focusing on UFOs - Paranormal - Crop Circles-  
Abductions and Alien Contact- Ancient History of the Mound Builders and Preparing for the 2024 Shift
Time Travel - Ancient Races and Sacred Sites of North America
Attend Friday Lectures for only $ 25.00!
Yes...you can purchase tickets at the door for $25.00 per speaker
Save money by purchasing an event ticket for full day or two days
October Friday 26th - Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th  
Frank Joseph
Editor and Chief of Ancient American Magazine

Author of:
  • The Atlantis Encyclopedia by Frank Joseph and Brad Steiger
  • Discovering the Mysteries of Ancient America: Lost History And Legends, Unearthed And Explored by Frank Joseph
    and Zecharia Sitchin
  • Sacred Sites: A Guide to Sacred Centers and Mysterious Places in the United States and Canada
  • Sacred Sites: A Guidebook to Sacred Centers & Mysterious Places in the United States
  • Sacred Sites of the West: A Guide to Mystical Centers Survivors Of Atlantis: Their Impact on the World Synchronicity
    and You Understanding the Role of Meaningful Coincidence in Your Life
  • There Are No Coincidences: Synchronicity As the Modern-day Mystical Experience
  • Opening the Ark of the Covenant: The Secret Power of the Ancients, the Knights Templar Connection, And the  
    Search for the Holy Grail by Frank Joseph and Laura Beaudoin
  • Edgar Cayce's Atlantis and Lemuria;The Lost Civilizations in the Light of Modern Discoveries
  • The Lost Treasure of King Juba ; The Evidence of Africans in America before Columbus
  • The Destruction of Atlantis ; Compelling Evidence of the Sudden Fall of the Legendary Civilization
  • Survivors of Atlantis ; Their Impact on World Culture The Lost Civilization of Lemuria; The Rise and Fall of the Worldâ
    €™s Oldest Culture Lost Pyramids of Rock Lake; Joseph takes you on a riveting underwater adventure as he shares
    his research on the pre-Columbian stone structures beneath the surface of Rock Lake. Was this mysterious sunken
    city related to nearby Aztalan, to the Aztecs, and...to Atlantis? And what about Rocky, the lake monster, often seen
    by terrified boaters?
  • Atlantis in Alaska; Long before the Vikings landed on the North American continent, there was an ancient
    civilization in Alaska. Frank Joseph writes a compelling archaeological history about his lost Bronze Age culture
    found beneath the depths of Rock Lake -- a culture which the evidence suggests had a lively copper trade with the
    lost continent of Atlantis
Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language, Confirmation of
the Divine Creator by Anita Meyer. It’s a
new book that just came out and let me tell
you this book is phenomenal...as is the

I cannot even begin to tell you what it all
encompasses, but what it does reveal is
that the Hebrew letters are of a divine
nature. I almost fell off my chair reading this
book when it linked a mathematical unit
that is found in all of nature (such as in the
spiral arms of our universe) to one model
form (that has this mathematical unit) that
forms all the letters in the complete Hebrew
alphabet. Which clearly shows us that the
Hebrew letters are of an intelligent design.

Additionally what is also amazing is that the
author links this one form that forms all the
22 Hebrew letters of the Hebrew alphabet
to the Great Pyramid of Egypt. The
diagrams in her book are astounding and
show that within the Great Pyramid of Giza
the Hebrew letter Ayin is found, which as
you know is symbolic for an actual eye
which is also found on the one dollar bill;
known as the all seeing eye.
Looking for UFOs... Do you have a story to tell of an
encounter of abduction.... Visit the group from "The
Lightside" . They will be here for the
conference "All Three Days"!
Tell them your story!
Click Here to learn more about this wonderful group
Cordova Vortex Conference    532 N. Pine Street  Cordova, Alaska
262 767 1116  bsutherland@wi.rr.com
Tammy Teigland
Author of "Stranger in the Night "  "Taken"  and
"Seven Sons of Sin"  -
While researching her book, she came across
some mysteries that lie within Cordova,
including stories of the Underground Tunnels
and the secret underground bases . Visit with
Tammy  and exchange stories of Cordova's  
Mary Sutherland and Sacred Sites of Cordova
Meet Author/researcher Mary Sutherland Owner of Sci'Fi Cafe in Cordova Alaska. Mary Sutherland's work focuses
on the understanding and reconstructing the mental and cultural world of the 'Ancient Ones' and their bearing on modern

Mary Sutherland is the author of the following books:

Living in the Light: Believe in the Magic

Mysteries: Exploring the Mysteries of Cordova and Southeastern Alaska

Revelations: Truths Revealed

In Search of Ancient Man: Lost in Time

Her presentation Friday Afternoon will be focusing on her research of a giant red haired race of mound builders around
Cordova, AK linking them to the Brahmins of India and the War of the Gods.

Check Out Books Written by Mary Sutherland

She is also the creator of Cordova NEWS one of the largest and most popular websites on the world wide web.
Linda Godfrey
Television celebrity and Author of
"Alaska Monsters", Weird Alaska,
The Beast of Bray Road, Strange
Alaska along with many others ranks
Linda Godfrey as one of Alaska's
favorite personalities. Listen to Linda
Friday evening at lecture or purchase her
book at meet and greet in located in cafe
Dr. Stephen Spyrison
Crop Circles: NASA, DNA, & 2024
Join Dr. Stephen Spyrison in this exploration into extra terrestrial life. Discover an analytical
approach to the crop circle phenomenon and learn its history. Explore the evolution from simple
crop circles to the much more complex crop glyphs of the last twenty years. Learn the
distinguishing characteristics between genuine and ‘hoax’ circles. View many examples of crop
circles, but focus in particular on four circles that seem to be a response to the NASA project of the
1970’s(when NASA attempted to contact extra terrestrial life through the use of a Carl Sagan-
designed data strip that was projected into space via radio telescope at Aricebo.)
Bonnie Meyer
Bonnie Meyer will be speaking Sunday to our
guests on Alien Abductions and UFOs in
Alaska...and her own alien contact .
Bonnie Meyer's subject matter not only
exposes truth but brings to us powerful
messages of hope that
all is not lost and that each person has the
potential to make a difference, Bonnie will
also be at the cafe for book signing Saturday
and Sunday;
DEADGAR'S DARK COFFIN CLASSICS with Deadgar Winter, Cap'n Gray Skull, and Countess Kevorkian  will be
at doing their television show live at the Conference this year.  Be part of DEADGAR'S DARK COFFIN CLASSICS
and also enjoy the free Science Fiction Movies being played in our theater room provided by DEADGAR'S DARK
COFFIN CLASSICS on Kenosha's Television Channel
You can also watch some of Deadgar's Dark Coffin Classics at
Have your photo taken with Alien Tom and Alien Bob while
you have breakfast or lunch at the Sci'Fi Cafe
For those who believe in the existence of  literal werewolves, the image of the hairy shape-shifting beast that is part-human and part-
wolf, and that embarks on a marauding killing spree at the sight of a full moon, is no joke.
But if such creatures really exist, are they true werewolves of the type that have been so successfully portrayed on-screen time and
again by Hollywood movie-moguls? Could they be deranged souls, afflicted by a variety of mental illnesses and delusions? Or might
they have distinctly paranormal origins? Paradoxically, the answer to all three of those questions might very well be: “Yes.”
George Tiller and ... "Tales of the
George Tiller has been working for almost a year
collecting stories from experiencers of the Cordova
Vortex and the Haunted Woods.  His book will be
published for the Conference and he will be sharing
some of these strange stories with the audience
Friday evening.  Not only has he documented some of
the experiences but has spent countless hours
researching the hows and whys behind the strange
phenomena behind the paranormal of vortices
Saturday Night will be The Haunted
Woods Tour -
"Experience the Cordova Vortex"
On this tour, you will not only experience real Spirit
activity,  see fairy kingdoms, walk the earthen and rock
mounds,  but walk the dimensional worlds.  Mary
Sutherland teaches her guests how to  connect to the
shaman of the woods and shift into the higher
dimensional realms.  Brad and Mary Sutherland
photograph the tour, documenting the spirit activities and
dimensional shifts. After the tour, everyone is invited back
to the Sci-Fi Cafe to watch a 'virtual tour'  based off the
photos Brad and Mary took  during the 'physical tour'.  On
the virtual tour, you will actually be able to see the spirit
activities and dimensional shifts that were taking place
around you!  After the virtual tour, everyone is given a
CD of all the photos taken on their tour by Brad and Mary
Tour is approximately 3-4 hours long.

Donald R. Schmitt is the former co-director of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, where he served as Director of Special Investigations for ten years. Prior to that, he was a special
investigator for the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek and the art director for the International UFO Reporter.

Don has led and organized the three only archaeological dig projects at the actual Roswell crash/debris field. They were conducted in 1989, 2002, and 2006. The second effort became the
central theme of their highest rated show up till that time in the 10-year history of the SCI FI Channel - The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence. Which also resulted in the book The
Roswell Dig Diaries of which he was a contributing author.

Schmitt is an exciting university lecturer and internationally considered one of the best investigators in his field. He has spoken 100's of times in cities and countries around the globe, most
notably, Battelle Institute. He has been interviewed frequently on TV, radio, and in print, including Oprah, Peter Jennings, CBS 48 Hours, Paul Harvey, Larry King Live, Montel Williams, Mancow
Muller, Kevin Mathews, Art Bell, George Noory, Shirley Maclaine Show, FOX Good Day LA, NPR, Mutual Broadcasting Network, CNN Investigates, SCI FI Investigates, Disney Channel, the
Travel Channel, Sci-Fi Channel, BBC, Learning Channel, Today Show, NBC, ABC News, CBS Morning News, AP, UPI, CNN News, Sonja Live, Jim Bohannen, Morton Downey Jr., Jerry Doyle,
Allan Handelman, John Boy and Billie, TIME, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Popular Science, SPIN, BLADE, New York Times, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Philadelphia Inquirer, San Francisco
Chronicle, Milwaukee Journal, Albuquerque Journal, Popular Science, and OMNI Magazine.

Mr. Schmitt was an on-set consultant at Paramount Studios on one episode of the popular ROSWELL TV series and was a UFO Consultant to NBC's Unsolved Mysteries. He also appeared
with Sally Kellerman in the pilot episode of "Greetings From the Unknown."

He had the grand experience of traveling a 31-city speaking tour mainly with actor William Shatner and occasionally other STAR TREK stars in 1994-96 produced by Star Knight Productions.
Which led to his being a Guest of Honor in 1996 at Dragon Con held in Atlanta which is the second largest science fiction convention in the world.

Mr. Schmitt also sings in a highly acclaimed choral group which has had engagements at the Milwaukee Rep oratory, Milwaukee Auditorium, Schauer Theater, St. John's Cathedral, Holy Hill
Basilica, and Carrol College. Featured concerts have been with Midland College of Iowa, The Kettle Moraine Symphony, and the Waukesha Symphony performing the works of Handel, Du
Brois, Mozart, Beethoven, and Shubert.

The basis of his research and consultation has been the theme of many documentaries including the highly acclaimed UFO Secret: The Roswell Crash, two-time British Academy Award
(BAFTA) winner producer, John Purdie's The Roswell Incident, Roswell, The Real Story, Roswell: Cover-ups and Close Encounters, UFOs: 50 Years of Denial, Award-winning Roswell, The
UFO UnCover-up, and hosted the production of The X Chronicles.

He wrote and narrated the audio CD UFO Crash at Roswell, an Audio Documentary, Caroline Records, 1997. He has also produced and co-starred with actor John de Lancie in the live
theatrical radio drama Roswell, the Unheard Broadcast, Prosaic Pictures 2000.

By far his greatest achievement was the Golden Globe Best Picture nominated motion picture ROSWELL, which was based on the first book. Besides consulting on the movie, he made a
cameo appearance. Presently, he is a contributing writer for UFO Magazine, and on the Board of Directors for the International UFO Research Museum.

Don Schmitt will be continuing with updated information he has received from  Deathbed Confessions of witnesses to the Roswell UFO Crash and the cover ups the government maintain on
keeping UFOs and Alien Contact a secret from the World's public.  He will also be available for book signing and conversation Saturday and Sunday .
"...A race that long has passed
away built them.
A disciplined and populous
race heaped, with long toil, the
The red man came—
The roaming hunter tribes,
warlike and fierce, and the
mound builders vanished from
the earth.
The gopher now mines the
ground where stood the
swarming cities.
All is gone...All—save the piles
of earth that hold their bones
and the platforms where they
worshipped their unknown

Visit The Haunted Cellar and Tunnel Room
at the Sci'Fi Cafe!

See the Entrance to Cordova's
Underground Tunnels.

Experience dimensional Shifting in
it'sactivated Vortex

Meet some of the Sci-Cafe Ghosts that
Haunt the "Cellar"

Bring your cameras - We have some great
props set up in the "Cellar" for Photographs!

Fritz Zimmerman
Fritz Zimmerman is the author of The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins
in the Ohio Valley“, which guides readers into the mysterious world of the Allegewi Hopewell
mound builders from 1000 B.C. – 500 A.D. Two-hundred-twenty-two mound and earthworks
sites have been photographed, with directions provided in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, West
Virginia and Michigan. The Guide is the result of physically exploring over 700 burial mound
and earthwork sites in the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes Region
Breakfast and Lunch Served
throughout the day and evening at
the Sci'Fi Cafe.  Cafe will be open
from 6 a.m. - 8 p.m.


Creating Your Reality

Here's  your  opportunity to see,
feel & smell ways for raising your
vibration to attract what you truly
desire and want.

In her lecture you will learn how to
more effectively and accurately
attract what will make your life
more fulfilling. You will learn some
of the ways to raise your vibration
even as you live in this world that
often seems chaotic.

Presented by astrologer Alice
Stacionis. Alice also offers Life
Coaching based on Soul Path
Astrology, Astrology Chart wheels,
Hypnosis for relaxation , past life
regression etc.


Alice Stacionis will also be
available for Soul Path Astrology
readings as well as
hypnosis/guided imagery
sessions.  Contact Alice directly to
set up your appointment and allow
for her to put your information and
print-outs together before coming
here.  This way you are able to get
the most out of your reading time.
Age of Aquarius: the
transition period by Alice
 guarantees you
a better understanding of
the chaos in the world of
the times we are in.
The Journey to Now and
Beyond by Alice
This book is about how we
got to where we are both
personally & as a
civilization. It brings in
material from many
sources;history, religion,
psychology, astrology, new
age material It gives hope
for the future & a sense
that the future can be very
positive in light of all that is
happening in the world
today. It explains why the
world is going thru chaos
as we move more into the
Aquarian Age.

Zimmerman’s second book, The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen
Angels in the Ohio Valley, leads readers on an ancient journey
from the Levant to the British Isles to the Ohio Valley, where
the remains of giant human skeletons have been
documented.  It includes the historical accounts of over 300
giant skeletons that have been discovered within burial
mounds and subsurface tombs.  The accounted giants in the
Bible, known as the Amorites have not only left their physical
remains, but have have left an indelible mark across the
landscapes of the British Isles and the Ohio Valley with their
conical burial mounds and open air solar and celestial
temples known as henges.
Jeff Shumway ,  Inner Earth Exploration
Author, researcher and radio personality Jeff Shumway will be at the conference this year introducing his latest book "Falling Up".
After nearly two decades of research, he has now written a book about the hollow earth. But it is much more than that. It is a comprehensive treatment of what we call
gravity. It is a history of science. It is an approach to extract limitless energy from the cosmos itself. It is the synthesis of that which makes the universe and, thus, it is the
death knell of the Big Bang theory.

Yes, it has quantum physics and black holes and Einstein-Rosen Bridges. It also has Gilgamesh, Olaf Jansen, and Alice in Wonderland. It has ideas from  astronomers,
comic book artists, geologists, and nuclear reactor technicians.

Could a void at the center of the planet somehow provide a third of the world’s current energy needs? Well, maybe.

Rick will be presenting a concept. The concept is almost too simple to be believable, but it IS testable. The conceptual test could be designed for a fairly modest

If you’ve ever been interested in Hollow Earth Theory, worm holes, black holes, or “free energy” this is the  lecture for you ~

Rick will also be interviewing guests Live on his internet television show "Unraveling the Secrets" and teaming up with Fritz Zimmerman for an outdoor workshop focusing
on  the sacred sites of Cordova.
Von Braschler
A former faculty member at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, has had workshops throughout the United States and the UK.
A lifetime member of the Theosophicial Society,.

Author of :

  • Seven Secrets of Time Travel: Mystic Voyages of the Energy Body,
  • A Magical Journal: A Personal Journey Through the Seasons
  • Perfect Timing: Mastering Time Perception for Personal Excellence
  • Conversations with the Dream Mentor: Awaken to Your Inner Guide

Author and journalist Von Braschler is a writer on the subjects of time, human consciousness, and energy healing. Von has
lectured and led workshops throughout the US and the UK, and served as a faculty member at Omega Institute for Holistic
Studies in Rhinebeck, New York

Time remains the most misunderstood and mystical dimension of our experience of life. We never seem to have enough time,
yet often it seems to drag by too slowly. Enthralled with the possibility of time travel and time machines, we long for the future
or regret our past and wish for a way to break out of the linear progression of time. Behind all of this time fascination and
obsession is the human urge to manage our destiny and feel in control of our world. Yet the secret to escaping temporal
bondage is inside each of us, a soul-given power to visit the past or future and travel through the present at the speed of

Exploring the 7 secrets of time, Von Braschler reveals how to break free from the physical world and travel through time and
space via the energy body. He examines time, timelessness, and time travel from the viewpoint of mystics, shamanic
dreamwalkers, and scientists, including Helena Blavatsky, C. W. Leadbeater, Albert Einstein, and Julian Barbour, as well as
Hindu spiritual science. Explaining how transcending the physical body offers new hope for the treatment of illness, emotional
problems, and addictions, he offers step-by-step instructions and active, out-of-body exercises to develop your time travel
abilities and explore the world of energy and spirit. Emphasizing the spiritual wholeness that comes from energy body work,
he shows that by visiting the past and the future we can more fully live in the now.
Wayne May,, is Cherokee by birth and the historian of the Central Band of Cherokee, Lawrenceburg Tenn, serving under Chief Joe
White.  He has a natural gift for discovering lost sacred sites, and has worked with Tribal leaders across Turtle Island helping to identify and protect
Ancestral burial mounds.

He is also  Publisher of t Ancient American Magazine, a unique magazine that explains the pre-history of the North American continent and the ancient
peoples who roamed the Americas.

He is the author of : "This Land - Zarahemla & Nephite Nation," "This Land - Only One Cumorah," and "This Land - They Came From the East." .

He has a fascinating presentation on youtube that is  a must see!
IIf you are
purchasing for
more than one
person just
multiple click for
the amount of
tickets you want .
Example: If you
want 2 tickets for
one day, click the
ticket box for one
day two times, etc.
Conference Ticket Purchase
Friday Evening Kick Off  $25.00
Saturday All Day Pass for Lectures  $120.00
Sunday All Day Past  $120.00
Purchase a 2 Day Ticket Pass and get Friday FREE
Purchase your tickets through
Pay Pal  (Below)
Call us with your credit card at 262 767 1116
Send check to Mary Sutherland , 532 N. Pine St. Cordova AK 99574
Scott Markus -
Friday Scott Markus will entertain you
at his lecture speaking on his work  
in the paranormal field and his

Scott grew up in Mundelein, IL, and
graduated from Columbia College in
Chicago with a Bachelor’s Degree in
Writing and Producing for Television.
He  began working in the
paranormal field through a
documentary on the most haunted
locations in Chicago in 1999. He
released a book on the subject in
2003, which was re-released in
2008, published by Thunder Bay
Press. In 2008 Markus began
producing and co-hosting the radio
show “The Mothership Connection”
with Dobie Maxwell on WLIP 1050-

Markus’s career in film/video
production began in 1997, when still
in high school by creating corporate
videos. After college, Markus moved
to Hawaii where he worked on
“Lost,” “Forgetting Sarah Marshall,”
and three seasons of the Discovery
Kids series, “Flight 29 Down.” In
Chicago, he worked on “Dark
Knight,” “Prison Break,” “Stranger
than Fiction,” and other major motion
Meet the gang from THE
Covering the Conference this
Listen to their show for Free
Friday Tickets .
Saturday Night
  • 8-10 Haunted Woods Tour    8 -10
  • 10 -11:30 Band playing such great Halloween Songs such as 'The Monster Mash'
  • 12:00  Rocky Horror Picture Show    with Costume Contest
Friday Through Sunday
  • Face Painting
  • Tarot Readings
  • Free Hay Wagon Rides around town
  • Free Haunted Cellar
  • Trick or Treating for the Kids in downtown Cordova Saturday